Sunday, October 27, 2013

Second Life

Second Life is a virtual world that the users can create their own worlds, appearance, and how they move about.  The users can communicate with other users that have similar interests, but may live thousands of miles apart.  

Second Life is a disruptive technology that is a new technology, but like an old technology but is enhanced and a replacement of an old technology according to Dr. Thornburg (Laurette Education, 2008).   One of the technologies this has replaced is the gaming industry where people can play their friends in real time.  They can still play games in Second Life, but can also chat and move about.

The Virtual World Kitely maybe the next replacement of Second Life.  Graphics are better, the cost is less, and there are restrictions to reduce adult content.  In comparing the two virtual worlds the use of Kitely seemed better for the K -12 education world. 


Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2008).Emerging and future technology: Disruptive technologies. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Ashwood, B. (2013) Virtual worlds - kitely is a keen replacement for second life retrieved from 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Rhymes of History

Over the last 30 years the way presentations are presented in classrooms and for businesses has greatly evolved.  Starting with the overhead projector and transparencies that were taken off the screen one at a time while the audience waited to see what was next.   The presenter had to make sure they were organized and all of their information was together and in the right order or this could be a major failure.

In 1987, Microsoft launched PowerPoint and the digital presentation began.  Companies began to use them for their presentations.  Keeping an audiences attention was much easier.  Soon sound, graphics, and videos were able to be added to the presentation. Teachers who used them in the classroom could keep students engaged easier. 

Moving to 2013 the top presentations are easy to create and include animations.  Prezi, Go Animate, Google Docs, Slide Rocket, SoHo Show, and Slide Snack are 6 of the best presentation software alternatives from PowerPoint.

Kelly, K. (2007, December). Kevin Kelly on the next 5,000 days of the Web [Speech]. Speech delivered at the EG 2007 Conference, Los Angeles. Retrieved from